My Tech Journey with the ADA Software Engineering Internship Program

My Tech Journey with the ADA Software Engineering Internship Program


2 min read

There has been so much buzz on the internet about getting into Tech and how it's the new gold. My journey has been somewhat shaky with me jumping into different tech-acclaimed programs and picking just any exciting course. I learned the hard way.

I discovered soon enough that the 4 weeks program usually offered by most of them left me more confused and unsure. I stumbled soon enough in my search for something more concrete, on a program offered by the Enugu State Tech Hub - The ADA engineering software program.

This program was designed to equip women with the necessary tech skills to help them break the bias in the tech industry. A program that would last for 7 months with high-profile Facilitators and Mentors and a promise of internship for those who do well in their tracks.

Finally, this sounded more like it. A program that would take my hands and walk me through the ups and downs of my desired track.

Tracks Offered include:

  • Frontend Engineer

  • Backend Engineering

  • Mobile App Development

  • Product Design (UIUX)

  • Product Management

  • Data Analysis

  • Data Science

  • Augmented Reality (AR)

  • Blockchain

  • Cloud Engineering

Why enroll into ADA programme?

Post-Internship Placement

Participants who complete the 7-month internship will be offered internship placements at tech organizations where they will get hands-on industry-accepted experience.

Access to funding

Start-ups birthed during the internship program will gain access to funding.

Access to Mentorship

Participants will have access to mentorship from knowledgeable industry leaders who are conversant with widely accepted industry practices.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I register for the program?

To register, please visit our website and click on the “enroll now” button.

Who is the program for?

The program is for ONLY women who are interested in acquiring a tech skill or transitioning into tech.

How Long is the program?

The program will last for 7 months and the applicants that successfully finish will be placed on a two-month internship.

Will a certificate be issued at the end of the program?

Yes, you will be issued a certificate after the program.

Where will the classes hold?

The classes will be both physical and virtual.

Admissions are ongoing now. Hop on the train and follow Enugu State Tech Hub -The ADA software engineering program on Twitter and Linkedin.

Get enrolled today! Ciao.